PCCP - What is it?
Baseball Ontario is developing the Provincial Coach Certification Program in order to help coaches make baseball more enjoyable and to facilitate the initiation of young players to baseball. The modules are based on the fundamentals of our sport: Baserunning, Catching, Hitting, Infielding, Outfielding, and Throwing. Each module includes "look-fors" and drills to help coaches teach the mechanics appropriate for the age group. These modules are delivered through independent, self-directed online learning courses.
How do I get it?
For Local Associations:
We are pleased to share that the first two levels of PCCP training are now available (7U and 9U)!
We have developed an affordable seasonal subscription program locals can opt to purchase on behalf of their association as part of their training and support of coaches. The subscription will give the local association access to the certification modules for their entire house league, as well as Select or Rep Teams at the 8U/9U level and below.
Subscription Levels:
# of Teams in your organization* | Fee |
0-10: | $100.00 |
11-30: | $250.00 |
31-50: | $500.00 |
51+: | $750.00 |
* This is the total number of House League teams plus the number of Select or Rep Teams at the 8/9U AA Level and below, in your organization.
- IE: Local Association has 28 house league teams, 2 9U select teams and 4 9U rep teams, total # of teams is 34, so your subscription level is $500.
For Coaches:
Coaches can purchase the PCCP certification on their own at a cost of $40 for 2025, which includes both 7U and 9U PCCP modules. This would be done in the OnDeck app.
I'm In! What's next?
Local Associations:
Please complete the Subscription order form. Once the form and payment are received seasonally, Associations will be issued a voucher that can be distributed to coaches. Coaches will create a profile in our OnDeck app and register for the PCCP certification. From the "available certifications" menu, choose PCCP Coach Enrollment, and purchase. Add the voucher code and proceed to checkout. Access will be granted and coaches can get started immediately!
Coaches can purchase the PCCP certification on their own at a cost of $40 for 2025, which includes both 7U and 9U PCCP modules. Coaches will create a profile in our OnDeck app and register for the PCCP certification. From the "available certifications" menu, choose PCCP Coach Enrollment, and purchase. Access will be granted upon completion of the transaction, and coaches can get started immediately!